Pastor Rev. Wade M. Barnett, Sr. is an anointed dynamic leader who is dedicated to preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a manner that is inspirational and easy to apply to one’s everyday life.​ He is compelled to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the winning of souls to the Kingdom of God. ​
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We invite you to partner with us in this ministry. Our focus in ministry is to reach souls for the Kingdom of God, to strengthen God's people and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. With your help, we believe we will achieve this goal. Tithes and donations may be given Through Giving Link.
Thank you so much!
Our Confession:
My seed will produce greater than my needs. As I give from my flow, my God will cause me to have overflow. God's grace will give me all sufficiency in all things. My needs are met, my debts are paid and my giving will cause increase in every area of my life. In Jesus Name. Amen
* Every Sunday Morning we livestream
First Sunday in each month ~Communion Service~
Sunday Morning Worship at location @10:45 am
Sunday online worship @11 am
* Every Monday at 12 noon and Friday at 6:30 pm on our
Conference Prayer Line @ 712.832.8700
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​* Tuesday Bible Study @7:00pm ... Corporate Prayer @6:30pm
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Passcode: 340871
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